4:35 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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We survived!!
I was a bit exhausted having materials to collect, timetables to change, papers to deliver, classroom to decorate and Annual Schemes of work to finish.
Here are some pics of my students.
9:46 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Classes start tomorrow!!! I'm very excited to see you again guys! :)

10:54 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Hi again,
This new week digital boards trainings have started for all the new teachers in Junior and Senior School, they will also be trained in the use of 2.0 web pages creating WIKIS and BLOGS.
Here are some pics.

11:11 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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3:29 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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As you all know, teachers start with their work on February. In this time teachers have different workshops, meetings, and time to do some planning. We have a whole month to work on what is best for the students, teachers, parents and the school.
We started our in-service training with a daily conference given by Mr. Norbury, our headmaster. He talked about differentiated education, the IB programme, learning techniques and students needs.

We also had different workshops with the psychology department. Miss Carmen Aranda, Senior psycologist, refreshed and brought new ideas of how to work with our students.
All these conferences and workshops inspired us to continue doing a good job and gave us the opportunity to look at new ideas. This year many things will change, cards are on the table and it is up to us to decide whether we want to be part of the game giving he best we can or not.
I look forward to starting a new year full of adventures and new challenges.
8:40 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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After having a wonderful Christmas celebration with my family and a boring New Year's Eve in bed, January came. I had a whole month to do all the things I cannot do during the entire year, and it is because I am working and studying.
I had many plans, I wanted to travel, to study a bit, to go to the beach, and to visit some friends. I had only to recover from a terrible cough, sadly the cure did not come soon. I spent more than two weeks in bed, visited three doctors who diagnosed different problems, and took various medicines that did not make me feel any better so I could not accomplish my plans.
The only thing I could do during my holidays was travelling, I went to the jungle and had a marvellous time there. Thanks God I started to feel better, just in time to go back work. =/
I wish you have had a better holiday than I. I would like to hear some comments when you are back to school. I miss you all.
10:03 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Springs is here!
Flowers are blooming; the Sun is shining; we all feel full of energy; and smile.
For the first time in St. George's College we were participants of an amazing and well-organised Spring Festival. All the school was involved and different competitions took place. Poems were written, plays were performed, speeches were talked and stories were told.
There were class competitions in which teachers, with the help of judges, decided who were the ones selected to go to the finals. When finals took place, students, teachers and judges were more than excited.
We all gathered in the school's patio and the winners were mentioned. They all received a prize and a diploma.
"Solidarity week" also took place. As we all know, the school organises events to help people in need. This week students were allowed to wear casual clothes and money was collected outside and inside the school.
Thanks to these activities we teach our students to be responsible, organised, work as a team and help each other. We expect to develop different skills and to continue working in activities that help students improving their communication and social abilities.