12:38 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
, under
Dear all,
This is the lesson of the month, "Preposition of Location and Direction", I know that sometimes prepositions can be a headache, but here you have a dynamic and attractive way to learn them, let me help you and pay attention to the following class... Enjoy!
6:13 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
, under
The period of exams is almost finishing, keep studying and you will achieve all your goals.
Remember that we all have the capability to confront exams and depending in our attitude and the level of dedication that we put in our studies we will succeed. So be optimistic and positive.
The world has never grown thanks to the success but to the failure of people and to their effort to improve things. Good Luck!
12:51 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
, under
On Saturday 17th we had a wonderful day together! We had a BINGO - FESTIDANZA that took place in our school. We enjoyed of different dances represented by students of the school, we also tasted delicious food and enjoy the music of an extraordinary band. Here you can see some of the pictures...
7:35 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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FCE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career which requires language skills.
FCE is a useful preparation if you are working towards higher level exams, such as CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
On passing the exam you will receive a certificate awarded by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, which is recognised by universities and employers throughout the world.
You will also receive a statement of results, showing how you performed in each of the five papers.
FCE has five papers:
Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking.
Each of the written papers is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine you face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
6:29 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Japanese Culture. Showing their lifestyle, poems and different customs.
Thank you, Romina, Priscilla and Sophia from Middle 1st Grade.
You put all your effort on it!!!!
9:20 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Mother: Well, Timmy, how did you get along with Dad while I was away?
Timmy: Just fine, Mother. Every morning he took me down to the lake in the boat and made me swim back.
Mother: MY, that's a long swim, isn't it?
Timmy: Oh, I made it all right. The only trouble I really had was getting out of the bag.
8:08 am by
Miss Ursula Tello
, under
I want to share some pictures from the Open Day in the School. We had many activities, expositions and student´s works were displayed on the walls of the school.
I hope you enjoy the followings pictures.