"I have had the pleasure of listening to Lesley and Kenneth Snowballs, enthusiastically presenting their ideas to fellow teachers. Their love of teaching and creative talent are evident in their presentation. Many thanks for all your help" - Miss Ursula Tello
Am I a good story teller? 1. Observe the children during the telling. Adjust and make clarifications as needed. 2. Encourage interaction and participation. 3. Modify the pace and lenght to match the experiental and development level of the children. 4. Use voice variations, facial expressions, gestures, and repetitive phrases to draw the young listeners into the story. 5. Use appropiate words and descriptions that help children imagine the happenings. 6. Stimutale the listener´s five senses while telling the story without over stimulating. 7. Identify the truths of the story and relate it to the child´s life. 8. Refrain from using props during the story that detract from the child´s abiliy to stay with the story line.
Wiki is a collaborative environment where students learn much about how to work with others, how to create,communicate and how to work in a world where the creation of knowledge and information is more and more becoming a group effort. They can also be used to facilitate the dissemination of information, to enable the exchange of ideas and to facilitate group interaction. The more autonomy teachers give students the better but a teacher must be willing to do this. It means students begin to teach each other and the teacher becomes a facilitator. Students learn to publish content, develop and use collaborative skills, negotiating to agree on correctness meaning relevance, and more. First see if something is already written, read critically to find the areas where information is missing or disorganized. Must take it on as your own because you have the ability to edit and make it better. This is a hugh shift. Give students editorial control, Have the whole class monitor the content gives students ownership and responsibility.
Minuman Baik Untuk Kesehatan Kita
Minuman adalah kebutuhan sehari-hari untuk memenuhi cairan tubuh kita.
Pasalnya jika tubuh kita kekurangan cairan akan mengalami dehidrasi dan
dapat men...
Gerardo Lazaro is hyperthinking...
It has been a great ride since I started using technology in teaching in
2008. After a few months, I introduced myself to the universe of technology
and i...
El Diario en el Aula
El Diario se convierte en una fuente inagotable de recursos para aplicarlos
en el área de Comunicación, solo necesitas una gran dosis de creatividad y...