On this day we had teachers ,and Middle and Upper school gathered together in a wonderful club called The Molle. We shared a day together to know us better and we also celebrated Miss Elizabeth´s Birthday.
Here you have some pictures...

On this day we had teachers ,and Middle and Upper school gathered together in a wonderful club called The Molle. We shared a day together to know us better and we also celebrated Miss Elizabeth´s Birthday.
Here you have some pictures...
PET is an exam for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level. It covers all four language skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking. Preparing for the exam is a popular way to develop and improve your language skills because it provides practical language practice in a variety of everyday work, study and leisure situations.
PET reflects the use of language in real life, such as understanding signs and announcements, and is accepted by many employers as proof of ability to use English in clerical, secretarial or managerial jobs. It is also widely accepted for use in jobs where spoken English is necessary such as tourism, retail, construction, manufacturing and engineering.
Is PET for you?
Can you use English to:
deal with everyday events?
read simple textbooks or magazine articles?
write letters on familiar subjects?
take notes in a meeting?
If this describes your skills now, or describes the level of skills you are working towards, then PET is the right exam for you.
We are extremely excited to be starting a school year with you. We are very pleased that our school has a well-earned reputation in our community.
At San Jorge School, we are working together in creating a better atmosphere for our students.
As you visit the school, you will notice many positive changes; in all classrooms you will find a computer to be used by the teacher and in strategic places the smart boards.
Let´s hope we can all enjoy of these and more services that our school offers us.
Thank you San Jorge!
"Tell me and I will forget;
show me and I may remember;
involve me and I will understand"Confucius (551-479 B.C.)
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