2:29 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Following to the successful Megan Hicks` storytelling students from Middle Sixth were motivated to become storytellers for one day.
They looked on the Internet how to create more orginami shapes, and they got ready for their performances. Students had to practice folding and folding pieces of paper and they also had to create or adapt stories until they were ready.
The final day came, and this is one of the great performances we experienced on that day...
4:43 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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On Thrusday 22nd Students of St. George College had a magic day with Megan Hick an excellent story teller of England.
On this day students gathered to listen attentively to her stories. She made us smile and laugh and she taught us how to create beautiful origami shapes.
Students were very happy with this experience and they would like to have more story tellers to come to St. George.
Thank you Megan Hicks!

1:07 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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First Term is over at Saint George College, and students from Middle Sixth decided to celebrated by invited their teachers to share lunch with them. We used the garden next to one of the classroom and joined together to share snacks and drinks.
Here you have some pictures of the events.
Thank you very much guys! You did an excellent work this term and we all hope you continue studying hard to achieve all your goals!
Miss Ursula Tello
Miss Elizabeth Espinoza
4:02 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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On this very special day students of Middle School prepared a special celebration for their mums. They decorated the classrooms, memorized poems, plays and songs. They also wrote poems and letters for their mums.
From 8:00am to 9:00am mothers were invited to the school and together we had a marvellous day. Thank you very much my dear students, you did and excellent work and put all their effort for this to be a success. THANK YOU!
Miss Ursula Tello