Solidarity week and Spring Festival (0)

10:03 am by , under

Springs is here!
Flowers are blooming; the Sun is shining; we all feel full of energy; and smile.

For the first time in St. George's College we were participants of an amazing and well-organised Spring Festival. All the school was involved and different competitions took place. Poems were written, plays were performed, speeches were talked and stories were told.

There were class competitions in which teachers, with the help of judges, decided who were the ones selected to go to the finals. When finals took place, students, teachers and judges were more than excited.

We all gathered in the school's patio and the winners were mentioned. They all received a prize and a diploma.

"Solidarity week" also took place. As we all know, the school organises events to help people in need. This week students were allowed to wear casual clothes and money was collected outside and inside the school.

Thanks to these activities we teach our students to be responsible, organised, work as a team and help each other. We expect to develop different skills and to continue working in activities that help students improving their communication and social abilities.

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Human Body Exhibition (0)

8:17 am by , under

What a fascinating way to learn how our body works!

There was an amazing exhibition about human body in PLAZA CAMACHO in Surco. This educational experience showed us from cells to complete and real human bodies in exhibition. All the bodies, bones, organs and others were donated and belonged to Asian people. This exhibition has been all around the world and we took this great opportunity to visit it.

Year 6, year 7 and year 8 students were more than attracted by the speech of their guides and the way they were involved in this environment. We were able to learn the way our body works, its functions and how it is structured. The place was divided in different rooms all full of colours and lights. Students were astonished by all they saw.

With no doubt I can say this magnificent display was of great help for students and teachers.

Let's hope we can see more of this well-orgnised and well-presented educational exhibitions soon.

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Preliminary English Test Examination (PET) (0)

7:34 am by , under


Information for candidates:

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Park of the Imagination (0)

7:33 am by , under

Learning about Physics, Maths and Science may not be an easy thing to do. That is why teachers at St. George's College had to look for interesting, creative and dynamic resources to help their students.

"Parque de la imaginación" in San Miguel, offers a range of activities in which students learn about all these topics mentioned above. We had Year 7 and Year 8 participating in this study visit and they were more than happy to be part of this outdoor activity.

Thanks to "Parque de la imgación"students easily understood how the Earth works and why things happened the way they do in a dynamic and entertaining way. They learnt about gravity, force, energy, nature, and others.

We look forward to visiting this place again!

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8:50 am by , under

Year 7 students started to work in pairs in order to create a useful product for their classmates. They had to invent an innovative gadget to be use in class or at school. They came up with very interesting ideas.

At home, they had to prepare adverts and a speech. They use big images, colours and different fonts in their writing. The organization of their adverts was very attractive.

At school, this is what we saw: students became salespersons which was a very interesting experience for them.
Fluency, body language, content, creativeness and accuracy were evaluated.

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7:05 am by , under

I think this is a very useful video to inform students about SWINE FLU and its symptoms.

It also mentions some tips of how to protect ourselves from it. Great video Miss Blanca thank you for sending it.

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Casual Day (0)

7:29 am by , under

Casual Day was an excellent opportunity to help people in need.

Patrulla San Jorge collected money inside and outside the school and students brought warming clothes for poor people living in the highlands of Peru. As we all know winter time in aggressive with people in the highlands were the temperature is very low. Adults and children die every year because they have no resources to protect themselves from the cold.

On this day, students left their uniforms at home and attended to school wearing casual clothes to represent that they were here to help giving their clothes to people in need.

This activity taught our students that giving feels better than receiving, that they can make a change helping other, and that spending a little of their time to help is rewarding.

Thank St. George's College!

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Sports Day (0)

7:29 am by , under

What an amazing way to encourage students to work as a team!!

Four houses were present in this event: Pegasus, Minotaur, Griffin and Fenix.
The crowds were cheering loudly; the participants were doing their best; parents, relatives, students and friends were supporting their teams; and the school was all decorated for the event.

It was a wonderful party the one we got on that day. We had many competitions having students and families involved. We all shared a great time together. We all felt very attached as a big family.

At the end of the day Fenix house won, but we all felt rewarded with this memorable experience.

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Grammar focus: Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 1

5:47 pm by , under

Students of Year 8 are practising the use, function and form of The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous. I found some exercises for you to practise:

Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4


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Used to, Use vs. Would 1

3:45 pm by , under

I found an excellent web site to practise grammar online.
In this ocasion we have 'Used to' or 'use to' vs 'would', I am teaching my students their use, form and function.

Surfing on internet I found the information they just needed. Here a summary with examples and at the end some dynamic online exercises.

'Used to' or 'use to' vs 'would'

1) If we say something used to happen we are talking about repeated events and actions in the past, usually things that happened a long time ago and are now finished.
To express this we can use either used to or would.
· When I was young I used to play with my dolls. = When I was young I would play with my dolls.
Of course I no longer play with dolls!
· We used to go out a lot in the summer. (Implies that we no longer go out much)

2) If you want to talk about repeated states or habits in the past, you must use used to, you cannot use would:
· My dog used to bark at cats.
· I used to smoke.
· I used to be an administrative assistant.
· I used to live in England.
You should use 'use to' without a d in sentences when it follows 'did' or 'didn't' (don't worry too much about this because lots of people get it wrong).

3) The question form is ‘Did you use to…?'. When asking a closed question you put did/didn't in front of the subject followed by use to, you cannot use would.
· Did you use to go out with my sister?
· Did they use to own the company?
· Didn't we use to go to the same school?
Also when asking questions about states in the past you cannot use would.
· What sort of things did you use to like when you were young?

4) In the negative you cannot use would without a change in meaning.
· I didn't use to play with my dolls.
If I said I wouldn't play with my dolls. It would mean I refused to play with my dolls.
· We didn't use to go out much in the winter months.
If I said we wouldn't go out much. It would mean we refused to go out much.
Note - The general rule is when there is did or didn't in the sentence, we say use to (without d) when there is no did or didn't in the sentence, we say used to (with d).

Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Exercise 4:

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1001 Flat World Tales 1

1:08 pm by , under

In the digital world there is place where stories are created by students of different schools around the planet.

Thanks to the well-known
1001 Flat Tales Project, students around the world have the oppotunity to be authors of very interesting stories. Their schools register in the WIKI and students are asigned a partner.
The objective of this project is to let students publish their stories and let their partners to check it (peer correction work), they will also write comments and will give some suggestions to improve their partner's work. Year 9 students had the opportunity to be involved in this project.

We started a week ago and we are working on our stories. We are very happy to get in touch with people around the world, read their stories and learn a little bit more about their culture.

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St. George's Anniversary (0)

2:56 pm by , under

Happy Birthday St. George!

Today, our school is 77 years old and we are ready for the celebration!
Students and teachers got ready for a RALLEY DAY, we prepared games and performances at school.

Students of junior and senior school decorated their classrooms and participated in different games such as puzzles, dressing the knight, dances and others.

This is the first time St. George's College has a ralley day and we enjoyed it so much that it will take part of our school activities every year.

Check some of the pics.

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RUSSELL, our new friend at St. George's College (0)

6:05 pm by , under

Classes have just started and a new friend has made his way to our lives.

Russell Ormes comes from England and he is working as a volunteer in our school. He has been visiting a few countries in South America and he will stay with us for a month or so.
He will be working with senior school students and I am sure he will enjoy many of the activities we have at school.

It is a pleasure to have you here Russell, enjoy your stay!

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During the recess time there is a magical place that opens its doors and happily receive all the students of St. George´s College.

All the ones who are passionated about reading stories, knowing unique characters and imagining a new world of entretainment are welcome to share a special moment with Miss Charito, who is more than glad to have students in the library where she reads interesting books, shows them videos and more.

These activities help our students to have better reading skills; to be more interested about books and educational videos; and to grow in them curiosity and creativeness.

Thank you very much Miss Charito for sharing your experience and great ideas with the students.

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5:26 pm by , under

Students of Senior School had the experience of participating in debates. The topic to dicuss was very interesteing for students and for teachers too. On the picture you can see students of Eight Milton (Year 8) doing the activity.


In this task students had to organise in 3 groups. One group will be the affirmative team, the other one will be the negative team and we will also have a jury (3 Students) and the Chairperson (Teacher).
The affirmative and negative team had to give 5 strong reasons to back up their opinions regarding the topic given. This was a very interesting task to work with my students. They developed speaking and thinking skills.

They worked as a team, they organised and enjoyed the activity. I strongly recommend to have this activities with your class. =D

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Friendship trip (0)

2:56 pm by , under

TODAY, 9th of March, all Senior school had a friendship trip where students and teachers had the opportunity to share moments of joy and fun.

We left school at 8:10am and we departed to our destination "Club Molle". Here students and teachers had the opportunity to relax and share special moments. We had all the facilities we needed. We spent our time in the swimming pool, at the playground or just sitting around having somebody to talk to.

At lunch time, we tasted a delicious and tasty roasted chicken and french fries, and as desserts we had ice-creams.
We spent a few more hours playing around and then it was time to leave, we packed our things and left back to school.

This event takes place every year and it is a day to know each other and interact with new friends and teachers.

I hope we all enjoyed this day and let's wait for more events to come!

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6:59 am by , under


Blooms Taxonomy

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6:23 am by , under

We all know that two children are not alike, they don't learn the same way, a comfortable environment for one won't be the same for the other one and we can mention many other characteristics that will differentiate our children.

That's is why it is very important to learn about out children and to know how we can improve our children's learning process.

We should include a variety of teaching techniques aimed at reaching students at all levels, involve all students in the lesson, allow that some students will require adjusted expectations and evaluate students based on their individual differences.

At St. George's College teachers are conscious that we can make a difference if we work together and use differentiated instructions when guiding our children.

We are very happy working in this way and we want to thank Pilar Galup, Carmen Aranda, and Rosario Armero for the talk they had with us to refresh a bit what differentiated instruction means and can do for our children.

Thank you,
Ursula Tello

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