1:08 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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In the digital world there is place where stories are created by students of different schools around the planet.
Thanks to the well-known 1001 Flat Tales Project, students around the world have the oppotunity to be authors of very interesting stories. Their schools register in the WIKI and students are asigned a partner.
The objective of this project is to let students publish their stories and let their partners to check it (peer correction work), they will also write comments and will give some suggestions to improve their partner's work. Year 9 students had the opportunity to be involved in this project.
We started a week ago and we are working on our stories. We are very happy to get in touch with people around the world, read their stories and learn a little bit more about their culture.
2:56 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Happy Birthday St. George!
Today, our school is 77 years old and we are ready for the celebration!
Students and teachers got ready for a RALLEY DAY, we prepared games and performances at school.
Students of junior and senior school decorated their classrooms and participated in different games such as puzzles, dressing the knight, dances and others.
This is the first time St. George's College has a ralley day and we enjoyed it so much that it will take part of our school activities every year.
Check some of the pics.

6:05 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Classes have just started and a new friend has made his way to our lives.
Russell Ormes comes from England and he is working as a volunteer in our school. He has been visiting a few countries in South America and he will stay with us for a month or so.
He will be working with senior school students and I am sure he will enjoy many of the activities we have at school.
It is a pleasure to have you here Russell, enjoy your stay!
6:04 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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During the recess time there is a magical place that opens its doors and happily receive all the students of St. George´s College.
All the ones who are passionated about reading stories, knowing unique characters and imagining a new world of entretainment are welcome to share a special moment with Miss Charito, who is more than glad to have students in the library where she reads interesting books, shows them videos and more.
These activities help our students to have better reading skills; to be more interested about books and educational videos; and to grow in them curiosity and creativeness.
Thank you very much Miss Charito for sharing your experience and great ideas with the students.

5:26 pm by
Miss Ursula Tello
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Students of Senior School had the experience of participating in debates. The topic to dicuss was very interesteing for students and for teachers too. On the picture you can see students of Eight Milton (Year 8) doing the activity.
In this task students had to organise in 3 groups. One group will be the affirmative team, the other one will be the negative team and we will also have a jury (3 Students) and the Chairperson (Teacher).
The affirmative and negative team had to give 5 strong reasons to back up their opinions regarding the topic given. This was a very interesting task to work with my students. They developed speaking and thinking skills.
They worked as a team, they organised and enjoyed the activity. I strongly recommend to have this activities with your class. =D
